
November 1, 2007

This isn’t strictly speaking an ENDA post. But it’s about someone within our community of trans-inclusive ENDA supporters. It’s about our LGBT family.

TransYouth Family Advocates — strong supporters of inclusive ENDA — have lost one of their own:

Dear friends and allies,

Many of you know that on Monday the TYFA family suffered a tragic loss. The 16 year old son of one of our board members took his own life. Please pass the following information along to all of your lists, friends, and co-workers.

To all that are grieving. Feeling alone and helpless.

On Friday Night, 7:30 EST, a Candle-Light Vigil is being held … to celebrate the life of Ian. Where ever you are at this time, gather your family and friends, light a candle, and say a few words. In this way our angel Ian will see our light, feel our warmth, and know that we stand united as a community firm in the belief that we can change the world.

Let our lights shine. Let our hearts feel warmth. Let us light up the world with knowledge and compassion in Ian’s honor.


Kim Pearson
Executive Director
TransYouth Family Advocates, Inc.

You can wear a purple ribbon to remember Ian, and the many others like Ian.

A letter from Jenn Burleton, who knew Ian, follows after the jump.

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