Then Quit

From Metro Weekly:

Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, had a key legislative priority for the 111th Congress: passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

With Congress in recess until after the midterm election and no expected chance of passage in any lame-duck session, Keisling is characteristically blunt.

”I failed.”

Then quit – and go try to find a job in the America that you’ve helped the non-trans gay money that created you to create.

You continually prove that you’re less than worthless by misrepresenting yourself as representing anyone other than the non-trans gay money that created you and by continually acting as an apologist for the transwoman-phobia that permeates, right down to the sub-atomic level, the non-trans gay money that created you.

Keisling says the community has to be ”realistic” about the past two years.

”We still made a lot of progress, we really did. We still got more done in the last two years than we’ve ever gotten done in two years before.”

We are realistic – which only further proves that The Quisling is more out of touch with the people she claims to represent than Rahm Emmanuel is with the people whose votes allowes him to become White House Chief of Staff.

In the last two years…

  • There’s been a trans-inclusive hate crime law – which ‘protects’ no living person
  • Oh…and there’s been a fake (for all practical purposes) trans-inclusive ENDA and an even more fake revision which us diseased rabble are not good enough to see – and, of course, there have been no votes on either version

That – and de-transitioning – might get a trans woman with real (read: something other than baptist preaching) credentials an interview with the main organization that embodies the non-trans gay money that created The Quisling.  (65 cents more would get me a Diet Coke from the machine down the street from my house.)


Lets take another two-year period – say Jan. 2006-Jan. 2008.

  • Trans people learned once and for all that nothing uttered by anyone employed by the Rhode Island Avenue Cesspool can be trusted – particularly if uttered at Southern Comfort.  (Now, this came in the context of the negative of the non-trans gay money that created The Quisling ramming an ENDA that would give gays the right to discriminate against trans people through the U.S. House, but readily demonstrable knowledge – such as the now-proven-and-on-YouTube fact that nothing uttered by anyone employed by the Rhode Island Avenue Cesspool can be trusted – is a positive.)
  • In January of 2006, the trans-inclusive Illinois ENDA (which had been passed in early 2005) went into effect.
  • In 2006, New Jersey rectified its law allowing gays to discriminate against trans people by removing that special right, thereby coverting  its illegitimate gay rights law into a legitimate one.
  • In 2007, Iowa, Colorado and Oregon achieved the impossible (at least as defined by Lame Crain and The John): they enacted legitimate (read: trans-inclusive in the first instance) gay rights laws.
  • In 2007, Vermont rectified its law allowing gays to discriminate against trans people by removing that special right, thereby coverting  its illegitimate gay rights law into a legitimate one.

So Quisling, you’re going to compare the last two years of you tromping around D.C. ‘lobbying’ while looking like a bag lady and sucking a total of $160+ grand out of activism usefulness, with President Obama’s only notable LGBT accomplishment being a law that is only of benefit to dead people and your only notable accomplishment of any sort being a hastily-arranged Qover The Quisling’s Ass conference call on which you called people idiots for having the audacity to (1) be able to read the current version of ENDA, (2) logically – and accurately – conclude that, if trans-related concessions were going to occur, said concessions could only make an already-shaky bill even less trans-friendly, and (3) daring to ruffle your bags feathers by articulating (1) and (2) in the public forum of the internet to six legitimate state ENDAs coming online?

Dick: Well, how could President Johnson encourage people to stay in the U.S.?

Tom: He could quit.

I’m disappointed in President Obama, but I haven’t given up on him, but you should really take the Smothers Brothers’ ca. 1967 advice.

Moreover, I actually voted for him – in no small part because I actually had the opportunity to cast a vote for who would become president in Jan. 2009.

How many people who NCTE claims to represent can say that they had similar input on whether a Quisling would be allowed to tromp around D.C. claiming to represent them?

Yes, there are numbers higher than zero, but none are applicable – but then you know that, right?

One Response to Then Quit

  1. Connie Goforth says:

    Mara, I should have been in Washington back in February of this year. I have spunk and determination and I like to see things get done. Look what happened.

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