“The idea that marriage equality is going to help transgender rights is a theory that has no evidence to back it up.”

That is a quote from Jill Weiss in her piece at Bilerico wherein she deconstructs pulverizes the LGBT rights universe’s late-night horror movie ghoul “that repeatedly sits up in its grave and shuffles abroad after being repeatedly killed and buried” : ‘incremental progress.’

Please excuse the fact that my quote is from Antonin Scalia (I presume that he’ll be more annoyed at me quoting him that any of you are at reading it), and move on to perusing Jill’s take on Richard ‘Equality Matters (But Only if You’re Gay, not Trans)’ Socarides’ response to Jennifer Boylan’s recent NYTimes piece.  Jill writes:

Richard Socarides, President of Equality Matters, a campaign for full LGBT equality, most famously known for his role as the White House special assistant for gay rights to President Clinton, replied in a Letter to the Editor in today’s New York Times.

Mr. Socarides says in his letter that he shares frustration with the slow pace of progress on civil rights for transgender Americans. “But I think she misses the point,” he adds. He argues that same sex marriage rights will bring transgender rights in its wake.

This sounds like a logical argument, but it is all too wearily familiar to the ears of trans people. As Oliver Wendell Holmes famously said, a page of history is worth a volume of logic.

…not to mention a platoon of overpaid, over-privileged, incrementalism-addled late-night horror movie ghouls.

The idea that marriage equality is going to help transgender rights is a theory that has no evidence to back it up. Mr. Socarides’ chiding of Jennifer Boylan when she brings up the question of “whither trans rights now?” demonstrates that he, like many other gay advocacy leaders, really have no understanding of what is happening on the ground. “Be quiet and you’ll get yours” is the message of Mr. Socarides’ letter.

…and we all know where we’ll get it.

5 Responses to “The idea that marriage equality is going to help transgender rights is a theory that has no evidence to back it up.”

  1. Um Yep, Uh Huh, Right! This is going to help Trans people? Uh, I don’t think so! I read the Socarides article yesterday, and just about had to go throw up over the smarmy, whitewashing bullshite! Sad thing is is that there are people who just take all kinds of big gulps from the marriage all the time kool aid, and actually believe those lies! LGB………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..T

  2. Ted says:

    If winning gay marriage does not advance trans rights, that is another good reason for LGBs to prioritize gay marriage. Jill Weiss desperately wants to believe that LGBs are obligated to do the bidding of trans activists just because they were suckered into accepting the fraudulent concept of LGBT. But the reality is that LGBs understand in their hearts that the grafting of trans onto gay was nothing more than a politically correct gesture. A gesture that has become a joke. Trans activists need a firm rebuke, and giving marriage top priority is an excellent way to deliver one.

    • Katrina Rose says:

      Undo the damage that those you’re professing to speak for have done.

      Until you do, yours is the laughable position.

      Chop! Chop!

    • So what you’re saying is that the cisLGB movement allied itself with trans women, the majority of whom are not straight, in bad faith? Couldn’t agree more.

  3. A history lesson Ted…The Stonewall riot’s…the beginning of the Gay movement as we know it was begun by “gasp” Trans women! It was co-opted by cislgb, very, very soon afterwards, our history denied, and the forty year history of being thrown under the bus by LGB’s began! I guess that LGB’s discovered that they could use us as a political wedge…much the same way religionist politicians do to the LGB’s….Uh, hypocrisy anyone?

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