Foreman Sez ‘Buh-Bye’ to NGLTF

From Bilerico:

 Just in… Bilerico Project contributor and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force executive director, Matt Foreman, will step down in April to lead the Gay & Lesbian Program at the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. Foreman has led the Task Force for five years and helped propel the organization to national prominence as an outspoken and unwavering advocate of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.

But, how effective was he really?  And how effective can he ever really be anywhere at anything? As head of NGLTF, he was often decried by gay transphobes as a hypocrite for advocating at the national level what he refused to do at the state (N.Y.) level: the only legitimate position on trans-inclusion – namely, trans-inclusion incivil rights legislation.  Its one of the few sub-points on which one has to agree with the gay transphobes in order to maintain any modicum of intellectual honesty.

Now the question becomes: Will any real trans person receive any real opportunity to ascend to the position he is vacating?

Alan Acosta, Task Force board co-chair, said a national search would begin immediately to find Foreman’s successor. Foreman will work with his senior executive staff in the interim to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership.

“We are blessed to have an extraordinarily strong and deep management team,” Acosta said.

How many of them will even consider putting their purportedly-trans-inclusive money where their collective mouth is when it comes to hiring Foreman’s replacement? 

In your heart, all of you know what the answer is.

One Response to Foreman Sez ‘Buh-Bye’ to NGLTF

  1. Stellewriter says:

    NGLFT, and no care at all for the Transgender, as we are not on the radar. Even GLBt, is a small “t” and not an enclusive “T” anywhare. At every level we are seeing the voice of the Trans-Community disolve and be shoved to the back page. The only way Trans issues are going to be recognized is by the Transgender standing together as one. One face, one voice, one cause….. Everyone else has already concluded that we are the “gender trash” that HRC and Barney Frank have protrayed. We are not equal in their eyes, and are unfit to use the public toilet.

    (And where did the $50million that HRC collects every year go to???????)

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