I’d Rather Roll the Dice Than Play Russian Roulette With a Loaded Machine Gun

From tomorrow’s lead Queer Channel Media rag, Joan Garry’s pre-Super Tuesday undecidedness:

Why do I feel that a vote for Hillary isn’t the vote of a pragmatist but rather the vote of a cynic?

Why do I find myself agreeing with Bill Clinton when he says that a vote for Obama is a “roll of the dice?”

Why do I feel like I should back into my vote based on who will most likely win in November against the Republicans?

I have a few days to decide. Like millions of Americans, I will be paying a lot of attention. Sen. Obama, offer me some tangibles. Who might be a part of your cabinet? Sen. Clinton, tell me what my world will look like and feel like when you leave office?

I’ll answer that last one: It’ll be a world with an ENDA that allows gays and lesbians to discriminate against transpeople.

Obama makes me feel there is something to look forward to. 

Hillary makes me believe she could get things done.

With that, I’ll remind people of one of the better episodes of Red Dwarf.  ‘Tikka to Ride’ was that series’ take on the JFK (or, per one of the characters, ‘The American King – Jeff K’) assassination.  I won’t go into the intricacies of all of the time travel and other psychoses of the episode (and there were plenty), but the moral of it was: Being assassinated actually was not the worst thing that could have happened to JFK on Nov. 22, 1963.

So what if Hillary can ‘get things done’?

We’ve had 7+ years of all of the wrong things getting done.

Lets not let HRC’s HRC do any wrong thing other than perhaps casting a vote in the Senate for an HRC-esque ENDA.

Its down to her and Obama.


Trans political viability in the 21st Century.

These are the stakes.

The choice is clear.

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