News Flash: The Scampaign’s Communications Director Thinks The Scampaign is Just Nifty

From Queer Channel Media (naturally):

To the Editors: Re: “HRC supports the GLB, but not always the T” (letter to the editor from Mekah Gordon, Jan. 18)

Dr. Mekah Gordon claims that the Human Rights Campaign is unconcerned with the plight of the transgender community. In fact, HRC has proven its commitment to full equality for the entire gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community through the organization’s work on a variety of topics.

Per, definition of “fact“: (1) something that actually exists; reality; truth; (2) something known to exist or to have happened; (3) a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true ….

HRC’s Workplace Project has worked with the nation’s corporate leaders to encourage employer policies that not only refuse to discriminate against transgender workers, but that educate and raise awareness of the unique issues they face. The 2008 Corporate Equality Index reported a whopping 46 percent increase in the number of businesses that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and expression — the largest increase ever in one year.

HRC’s Religion and Faith Program has brought together a coalition of faith leaders from all 50 states united in their support for fully inclusive anti-discrimination and hate crimes legislation.

A new Family Project initiative called “All Children-All Families” is working to make adoption and foster care systems more understanding of and hospitable to GLBT families. And our Coming Out Project has released, in collaboration with the leading transgender advocacy groups, numerous publications including a coming out as transgender guide and a toolkit for transitioning in the workplace. 

The truth is that HRC has been, and continues to be, a major voice for all members of the GLBT community.

I guess I just got all the wrong schoolin’.  After all, I was heretofore unaware that blatant lying and years of political subversion by the Scampaign – things that are known to have happened – could somewhow constitute being a voice for those being lied to and subverted.

And, I thought that the definition of “major” was something like this: “greater in size, extent, or importance.”

How can people like Brad Luna sleep at night? 

Did he go to Dr. Schrang’s evil twin and have Ethics Reassignment Surgery?  Or, perhaps, merely an Ethicsectomy?

Inquiring minds – of people who aren’t included in ENDA – want to know.

One Response to News Flash: The Scampaign’s Communications Director Thinks The Scampaign is Just Nifty

  1. Dr. Mekah Gordon says:

    HRC + Barney (The Gay Leopard) Frank + Enda – TG Inclusion = An “I Told You So!” Moment.

    Dispose of those Rose Colored Glasses and demand Unequivocal Equality for ALL!

    Peace & Solidarity ~
    Dr. Mekah Gordon

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